07af89bd ci: configurable releases 1c59c4c1 refactor: set texts and titles of buttons plus their translations correctly; seperate js functionality into an own file; rearrange js functionality to switch between enabeling and disabeling buttons; 2f6159e0 cmt 1be3780a feat: add simple js functionality to disbale <save> when crutial changes are made in fieldsDefine and fieldsAdjust; add some simple German titles to the buttons; 713ae653 feat: add description for the two buttons allowing <save and load> and <save> in fieldsAdjust and fieldsDefine d1a0542e feat: add a second button when defining fields, that allow two seperate actions: 'submit' -> save defined fields and redirect to importTableCreator; 'just_save' -> save defined fields, do not trigger importTableCreator+ 4de1f21e chore: add common python env paths 0ea14755 fix: correctly point to STATIC_ROOT when running with DEBUG=true 616a121e Update django.po - typos corrected 61f3bb24 style: adjust log formatting 1bf76421 refactor: remove LOG_FILE variable ea70b507 docs: add information about logging 818e0190 feat: add logging configuration f31320b5 ci: do not run for merge requests